Construction & Home Renovation Services

A Simple and Cost-Effective Approach to Designing and Building Your Home

Construction & Home Renovation Services

A Simple and Cost-Effective Approach to Designing and Building Your Home

Our Construction & Home Renovation Services Include :

We’ve got it all covered: Design, Construction, Approvals, Interiors, and even Neighbor Relations—consider it all handled!

Enjoy the convenience of a fixed and pre-set price for most of the essential decisions in building your home, so you can plan with confidence and avoid unexpected costs.

We guarantee committed delivery timelines and provide a warranty that covers the agreed-upon duration, ensuring peace of mind throughout the process.

How does the journey start for home construction?


Step 1: Receive a price quote based on visits and discussions.
Step 2: Signing the agreement with fixed pricing and project timelines.
Step 3: Beginning drawings and obtaining approvals, updating the contract to reflect the actual area.
Step 4: Construction started
Step 5: Regular meetings with Dream Makaan team for tracking project progress, material / design selections and add-on / upgrades.
Step 6: Invitation for handover inspection once work is complete and Completion Certificate is issued.
Step 7: Handover with drawings and warranty documents.
Step 8: Warranty starts.

Our Home is Better For You 🤗

Below we have listed some of the many benefits we provide and assist you in building your Dream Makaan

Free Customization

Effortlessly customize your home with our LookBooks, add-ons, and upgrades. `

Complete Transparency

Monitor raw materials and ensure building quality with the expertise of our specialists and architects.

Reasonable Costs

We help you save money by maintaining high-quality standards while offering a cost-saving structure compared to other builders.